Are You Coachable?

What Makes Great Leaders Great!

While I’ve written extensively about what great leadership looks like, I took the opportunity to check in with others to make sure I had it right.  Recently I queried my connections on LinkedIn, asking what their best manager or leader does that made them so effective.  A dozen colleagues responded, pointing out less what their best leader “did,” but more about “how” she did it.  Their experiences were amazingly consistent. 

Great leaders are great listeners.  Everyone began with listening.  Great leaders ask questions to understand and summarize what they have heard. 

They cared about their employees and took time to understand what each needed to do their best work.  Said one individual, “He didn’t just make time for me, he actually listened.”  “She genuinely cared what I thought and asked my opinion on a regular basis,” said another. 

They were curious about other’s perspectives, and then incorporated their ideas into the way forward.  Said one individual, “She would have an idea in mind for a solution or approach, and then bring the idea to the team.  She’d ask good questions about other’s input to help the group create a solution that was theirs.” 

Finally, they encouraged their employees to try it their own way.  This allowed them to learn and grow. Said one, “because of this, I became a better person.” 

These highly effective leaders were optimistic, but not Pollyannish. They took time for others, and they cared deeply about each team member.  Being a great leader doesn’t take great study and hours of development; it takes an honest attention to the people who create success on your team.  How are you becoming one of these great leaders?